Product Description
Sacch Pack Attack! There is a lotta great brews to choose from. It can be HARD. Take the stress out and grab some of the Sacch staffs' favourites. Six different Lagers in one convient six pack cooler bag. Six Lagers. One Sacch sixer cooler bag. All yours. The Sacch Sixers change up every month or so.
Current Lager Sacch Sixer contains:
1 x Blackflag (QLD) Old School Cool Draught 4.7% ABV
1 x Philter (NSW) Super Cool Lager 4.2% ABV
1 x Brouhaha (QLD) Maleny Lager 375ml 4.5% ABV
1 x Wayward (NSW) Everyday Lager 4.2% ABV
1 x Yulli's (NSW) Seabass Mediterranean Lager 375ml 4.2% ABV
1 x Hawkers (VIC) Pilsner 5.0% ABV
1 x Sacch Six Pack Cooler Bag
Product Details
- SKU: 11374
- In Stock: 11
- Weight: 3.3 kg
- Product Type: SACCH PACK